Welcome to our family (ohana) blog!
Aloha & Welcome! Thank you for visiting. We welcome Kawai on Sept 27th'09. Kawaiohalani (Hawaiian) Tianle (Chinese) both means 'The Heavenly Joy'. Kawai is growing & becoming more active & interesting to watch... wow! We'll keep this journey active as much as we can bec. our families live far away. Enjoy & thanks for sharing our journey with us!! Share your thoughts, tips & advice with us. Love you all :) Wade & Huili & Kawai (Tianle)
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Happy New Year! Talk about dropping the ball, its has been soooo long since my last update on the blog. I was just glancing at the blog and notice the huge difference with Kawai. Kawai is no longer the little boy in these pictures, he is a full grown toddler and I guess with improved knowledge, his facial features change as well. Also there is no pictures of Malulani. On todays post, I will post random pictures of them and soon after be organized.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Dec 25, 2013 Mele Kalikimaka!!!
Aloha All!
Its been a year since I had last posted something on this blog. I guess having facebook took a lot of time away from this. Huili mentions to me that I should stick with it and continue with the progress and more importantly now that we have a princess on the way. Huili's due date is June 5th and everything looks good at check ups.
Let me fill you in as for Kawai (now at 3yrs & 3mths). From birth to 3 years of age, it's been like a story book with an happy travels and endings. Once he began to enter 3, oh my. He is still a good boy but I can see difference in how he was and how he is now. He is more communicative in Chinese and English. He does seem concern of others but there are times when he wants his way, he will find a way. Huili is more concern than before saying 'be careful' or 'thats not nice' as an example. I learn from young that a child is not a friend to a parent, I am the dicatator so I tell him or show him what he needs to do. Overall, very good boy.
Its been a year since I had last posted something on this blog. I guess having facebook took a lot of time away from this. Huili mentions to me that I should stick with it and continue with the progress and more importantly now that we have a princess on the way. Huili's due date is June 5th and everything looks good at check ups.
Let me fill you in as for Kawai (now at 3yrs & 3mths). From birth to 3 years of age, it's been like a story book with an happy travels and endings. Once he began to enter 3, oh my. He is still a good boy but I can see difference in how he was and how he is now. He is more communicative in Chinese and English. He does seem concern of others but there are times when he wants his way, he will find a way. Huili is more concern than before saying 'be careful' or 'thats not nice' as an example. I learn from young that a child is not a friend to a parent, I am the dicatator so I tell him or show him what he needs to do. Overall, very good boy.
Kawai doing his check up.. not one cavity (i wish i could say the same), except for the original front 4 teeth that was not grow out properly due to lack of floride, but we are keeping them as long as we can till the permanant ones comes in!
Kawai enjoying the life of cocoa (pretty much his first few encounters with the sweeets;)
Every night I shower Kawai, I create this daily change of hair styles. He loves it?
Kawai on his Santa jetline (a pretend play at his pre sch Tutu & Me)
At the 2012 Castle Medical Tree Lighting Ceremony
2012 Merry Christmas!! and Happy Birthday Jesus!!
We went to a Christmas children event at Kualoa Ranch & got our face both painted, oh yeah :) We now the super heroes, heehee!!
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Wow! Been 7 months since last update!! So much growth has happened :-D
We apologize for the super late update, we had to move again during last Sept/Oct so it was pretty 'crazy' as you can imagine on top of many other challenges as well, especially with an active toddler ;) But do check back often or get on the list on the right, bec we will update more comments & videos when time allows us to sort through the tons of photos & videos. More comments will be added soon also.
Much Mahalo (thank you) for sharing this journey with us :) As you will see, it's a mixture of pictures within these past 3 months. It amaze me how quickly Kawai is intellectually and physically changing. In fact, viewing some of his past photos & video shows me how his face feature starts to tune in more clearly from the chubby baby face, it's so amazing only through going back to reviewing the videos & photos then we can see the changes, which we don't catch at that time. Kawai has a great attitude and very bright at 2 years old, but of course, as they all says 'the terrible twos', well, we will call it 'the challenging twos', bec of the constant strong desire a young mind wanting to express his independent yet dependant as well, and to express his individuality :) We really enjoyed having Huili's family visit for a month. We have been so use to 'just us' so having some help with extra hands and energy goes a long way :-)
Here's Kawai (2yrs & 2mths) with 'Stitch' or a big huge funny ear animal to him :)
Kawai (Tianle) loves to be with Papa! Everything being done, he wants that to. Here's a little helping hand for my work. Here's us pushing all our cleaning equipment for a cleaning job.
Here's us pre-spraying carpet for treatment, but thanks to all our fabulous Amway product line, everything is earth-friendly & toddler-friendly too :)
Kawai watching me filling up water for the carpet extractor machine. He is very observant.
We all pau (done), the wait time for Kawai is well worth bec Papa is all his now :) Hey, what about me (the wife?!?) Hummm.....
The 'Big Boss' shopping for cleaning supplies with Papa :)
2011 Christmas photo with Santa, we just loves Kawai's expression, one-of-a-kind ;-)
On this past Christmas season, a mall nearby here brings out this miniature train. Only kids though, kinda disappointed. Also have for summer to fall time for a different theme, it's a great thing for kids, but young ones got scare in the several first rides usually, Kawai did too during the Sept ride at first, but after couple rides, he really love trains, but catching a good picture is another story ;) Here's a photo with the train conductor.
The Chrsitmas set was real nicely done. Kawai just 'chilling'.
Our 'Dino' man waiting for the train to go, choo choo!
Super Hero Papa & little man
See what I mean by the 'challenging twos' :-) Here's a pretty constant spontenous act of silliness with propbably all your toddlers, including Kawai here, insteading of drinking his soymilk while eating at a restuarant, he rinse his mouth with it all, sure is good fun for him :) Well.. us the clean up crew is always on standby, and Mama always got the extra clothes on hand ;)
Trying to show the cute Firefighter boots, but wrong isle they put it next to.
At New Hope Leeward church Christmas deco.
Hawai'i versions of the Christmas train.. see the pineapple & the local characters? Kawai is 2yrs & 2 months here.
'Live' music radio broadcast studio with very famous local vocal artist, aloha ;)
This is at a parent participation pre-school that Kawai attends.
Here's Grandpa or Chinese says- 'Gong Gong' & Grandma or Chinese says- 'Po Po', at the Dinosaur exhibit doing excavating dinosaur bones. Kawai was shy at first when Grandparent came for visit, but after the intro-period, he's on them like his usual self, calling them in Chinese every morning & playing like a funny monkey ;) Great times & he definitely misses them, but thanks to video calls, but of course 'Live' is far better.
At the Dinosaur Exhibit, most children loves to swing by 2 adults holding hands, whoops, too much swinging & miss his face ;)
We are here watching "Aloha Festival' parade, Tianle is 23mths, almost turning 2yrs old.
Watching the parade on 'Aloha Festival' 2011, Hawai'i style!
Like father, like son. Tianle at 23 months.
Grandpa (Gong Gong)'s playtime with Kawai on a beach park.
Tianle's favourite thing is to check out all those huge machinery, like the Tractor, Digger, Excavator, Fork Lift, Bulldozer etc. There's a sales office nearby our place & they park all different type of machinery out front, such a great place for watch & try on for young kids.
Big Tractor with Grandpa
Kawai's 2nd Birthday at the beach at 'Ko'olina' with Grandparent & us.
After a brief swimming time, it's time to open his present (a bike that he always long to have). We were real tight financially but we know we have to get him a present that he would be soo happy about.
Ahhhh... so precious... my 2 orange heroes ;) So sharing too.. sharing a set of earphone.
This is during Thanksgiving time in Nov 2011, when Kawai is 22 mths old, we are checking out a local farmer's pumpkin stand.
Here's Kawai riding his new Bike at our current home's backyard. Before getting this Birthday present for him, the only chance he got to ride briefly on a bike is at the pre-school, but need to take turns with other kids, and only for a few times since he attends the pre-school. Each time, he would need assistance from us to push him & show him how. I asked several parent how long would it takes to learn to ride a Tri-cycle, and they all says once they explore & play with it several times, in a couple months, they will get the idea of cooridinating the leg muscles with their brain. So in Oct/ Nov, Kawaii begin to ride on his own. Now he's doing the one leg paddling ;) It's fun & interesting to observe a child's learning process.
This is my only 1st-cousin here in Oahu, Hawai'i from my Dad side, here's her family & her 2 boys, they live on the opposite of the island from us, so it was fun to meet up for some food & the cousins can meet.
Deep thoughts....
(each day, we've learned ourselves & taught Tianle to be very thankful for all that God made & provides for us- for He owns all things, we own nothing but merely are stewards of His Kingdom.
Thanksgiving Day 2011 at a breakfast buffet, super yummy ;)
Doze off.... after a good buffet on Thanksgiving day 2011. (Kawai is 2yrs 1mth)
A playgound nearby our current home at Ewa Beach. Sliding time, yeah!
Kawai copying Daddy's way of cleaning the car & polishing the tires & rims. He's serious about putting what he watched into real action ;) Amazing how much all children copy what they see, what they hear & what they expereince, no matter who. Big reminder for all of us ;)
Here's another copy action, if Daddy is on the computer working or surfing the net, well I can do too (hey! this keeyboard thing got too many letters & codes, adults are so complicated!)
We are so happy that Disney opens a brand new resort here in Hawaii, very nicely done combining the beauty of Disney with the traditions of Hawaiian culture, this is during Chrsitmas time 2011, so the resort was all decorated with the beautiful one-of-kind Hawai'i Christmas deco. Since we haven't save up enough to stay here yet ;) but got the pleasure to check it out anytime we like since it's only 15min drive from our place. Here's is at their breakfast buffet with all the wonderful characters (who are also available around the resort grounds each day at different times). Funny thing is- we don't have a TV at home, so it's Kawai's very first explosure to seeing Mickey & Minnie mouse & all the other characters, he was quite shock at facing a HUGE mouse all colorful walking around, adding to the fact that he has never seen any pictures or drawings or movies of Disney characters yet at that time.
We have caterpillars behind our home. When it ages, we take it and put in a area to viewing. THIS one was born on Christmas day and I cant seem to find any better understanding of Jesus than from this butterfly.
Mr. Sushi
This is the face of a kid that can get anything he wants from papa :-D

Best view in the house
Kawai's first ride, his face is the best to expressing his fun
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