Aloha Ohana! Here is the update...
This Monday, we gone to Oahu to attend an appointment for Huili's Gestation Diabetes check up (occur during later part of pregnancy, we found out when Huili is 8mos). Huili has been really good watching her intake of carb's to avoid her blood sugar count over 140. It's been said that the baby intake the same as the mother so Huili and I are motivated. One big goal is to have the baby not get too big for natural birth, I pray we don't need a C-Section.
As for me, well??? I just couldn't pass up on all the delicious foods Oahu has to offer, as you can see from photos below at resturant at Chili's, ummmm! This was a Chocolate cake with a large scoop of ice cream and top off with a Chocolate topping that hardens and sprinkle with caramel. Do I need to say more?? :-)
Below are pictures from our appointment and we had a good time seeing this boy being so active. Baby is little over 6lbs now. The technician was trying to capture the stillness of the baby but the little boy can't stop moving, he holds his hand and arm in front of his face! The video and picture of him shows he was sticking out his tongue, I had put my face up close to the stomach and I said to move your hand little baby and the boy had the nerve to give me attitude! Sticking tongue at Daddy??? I loved every part of it!
This part for my mom-in-law- Mom, I know it's not good to eat this but I will lose weight soon after baby is born so no worry ok. Love Wade
The video was fast so try replaying it over, watch out for baby sticking his tongue, opening his mouth, opening his eyes & sometimes one eye only, moving like crazy that's why the real time video is having a hard time focusing, smiling etc. And that's not even his most active time of the day!
We have another appointment with the specialist at 38 weeks to check the baby's weight not to be too big & his blood sugar, but will have to fly to Honolulu again, if Huili is not in labor then. We love you all, enjoy and mahalo for viewing our recent blog! Wade