Monday, April 12, 2010

Sunset & Kawai's First Live Concert

This Sunset was taken near our home. It's easy for me to take it for granted being living here for some time. I recall being in the ocean maybe 10 times last year, Crazy.. We only a 2 min drive away..

This concert was great! I always wanted to see a local O'ahu group called 'Natural Vibrations' live and now it came true. It was suppose to be a Band Championship deal with youth battling it out for a chance to compete in O'ahu to get a record label. And at the ending part finally, the band performing. I was so happy to hear this group and so was Kawai. He latched onto my arm and enjoying this Hawaiian/Raggae music.

I can sit up now!

Kawai is now able to 85 % sit up right by himself. He starts to timber when he gets distracted. He is now more a little man with his comprehension with his surroundings.

This is his new play station kid version 1.1. He has a tolerance of a half hour then that's it! out he comes.

Yaaahuuu! I just won the jack pot!!

In this video, we are amazed with his ability to handle the pen. He is trying to have his brain and hand work together and he so cute because his Innocent trying to do it look. The best part of this video is he becomes frustrated with the pen and grabs it in lightning speed.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Kawai and Alamea


One day at work, I was not having a fantastic day. Huili out of nowhere sent me this photo on my phone and I could not get over it from laughing! Kawai is a good baby and seldom crys so when he does or give this sad puppy face, it melts anyone with a heart.

Like I said, he is a happy baby so sad puppy face is gone

Ok, back to normal..

I had too much to drink last night..

Not! Just kidding.. never enough for milk!

Dad, if Grandma Chung know what your eating.. she will give you this face ...

Aaiiyah, that is making you fat! hahahaha!


I took this photo because people who meet Kawai loves to pinch his chubby legs. I don't blame them because I like to bite them :-) and Kawai is ticklish.

Did his weight and measurements

Kawai likes to be in different positions. Today he likes this and its funny how he looks up at me with those angel eyes...

YUP! My Dad got my back!


Kawai and Alamea resting on the grass talking story.

Kawai enjoying time petting Alamea. Alamea is very loving and protective of Kawai

Alamea is thinking "this is really getting out of hand", but thats ok because I love this kid.

What?!! Like try some too?

Kawai is now on fast track in growing into discovery with everything. Its wild to see him sit up on his own and take in food, he has gained many skills very quickly.

Flash from the past, Wade at 14 months

My mom gave me a bunch of 8mm film of the past and no one in our family has seen any of it for 35 plus years! I used my iPhone to capture parts of it and downloaded it on my computer to see. On this video is me and my mom. I'm just thankful for having this chance to see me at that age in motion and I have more.