Monday, March 22, 2010

where did the new born baby gone?

Hello ALL, next week Kawai is 6 months!!??!?!!??!! Its been fast and I know I should enjoy the stages but letting go the new born idea is hard. He is cute and funny now but I know from wisdom of others that its a fast past to aging. Kawai can now hold his head up and understand somewhat of the surroundings. Its funny of how as parents able to adjust to being a parent. I know there are more things to happen and discover but I rather not know because of the joy it will bring.

Oh Hi, excuse me but Im wrestling with my mom.. Are you counting? I think its past 3!

Hey.. it wasnt me. Who ate too much meat, its really stinky! hahaha

Kawai making new friends.. Amazing how he can manage to balance himself.

Having fun.. (that's how we change diaper when it's cold or rainy outside)

(We got a bush fire recently around our neighbourhood, so the fire crew came to announce our neighbourhood got a mandatory evacuation. So off we all pack up our ohana & important documents in our car, and went to the harbor/ beach down the road to wait. In the meantime, we enjoyed sometime taking photos, watching sunset & whales playing while watching the fire from afar. All & all, when everything is cleared, we got to go back home around 10pm :)

Kawai with mom playing airplane..

me and my son, hanging out and watching the sun fall into the ocean

playing around, as usual

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